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NuMind|Öflug streitu blanda og fyrir mildan kvíða


8.990 kr

NuMind blandan hentar frábærlega fyrir ferðalögin!

Nu Mind fyrirtækið hefur hannað magnaða blöndu sem er talin tækla bæði kvíða og streitu á sama tíma. 

Blandan var hönnuð af bræðrum sem voru með mikinn kvíða og kvíðaköst. Þeir voru búnir að leita lengi að lausnum og ákváðu sjálfir að búa til blöndu.

Þeir eru mikið fyrir heilbrigðan lífstíl líka og samþættingu af hlutum eins og hugleiðslu, öndun, mataræði og bætiefnum.

Blandan inniheldur 23 vísindalega rannsökuð innihaldsefni sem talin eru styðja líkamann og hugann. Þar á meðal eru vítamín, steinefni og aðlögunarjurtir. Sjá má allar vísindagreinarnar fyrir hverja tegund af vítamíni og bætiefni í blöndunni hér fyrir neðan undir vísindagreinar.

Blandan byggir á mikilli rannsóknarvinnu til þess að finna bestu lausnina til að hjálpa við streitu og draga úr mildum kvíða einkennum (Athugið að blandan er ekki talin hjálpa við alvarleg kvíðaeinkenni). 

Boxið inniheldur pakka af bætiefnum fyrir hvern dag í 30 daga. Í hverjum pakka eru 5 hylki og er einn pakki tekinn á dag.

Við erum einnig með blöndu frá NuMind sem henta fyrir tíðahvörf og fæst hér.

Hylki 1: Nauðsynlegasta: B vítamín, C vítamín, D3 vítamín, sink, járn og joð.

Vítamín og steinefnablanda til að hjálpa við næringarskort og skort á helstu vítamínum og steinefnum sem byggir sterkan grunn til að tækla daglega stress og streitu. 

Hylki 2+3: Heildræna hetjan: inniheldur magnesíum glycinate sem er talið vera frábært steinefni til að tækla stress og svefn ásamt 300 lífeðlisfræðilegum ferlum í líkamanum. 

Hylki 4: Aldagamli heilarinn: Inniheldur ashwaganda, burnirót, "bacoba monniere", "lemon balm" og svartan pipar.

Inniheldur aðlögunarjurtir sem hafa verið notaðar í þúsundir ára til að draga úr áhrifum stress og streitu. 

Hylki 5: "Chill pill": Inniheldur "L-theanine", "lavander", "passion flower" og "chamomile". Inniheldur slakandi blómategundir sem hafa róandi áhrif og og jákvæð áhrif á svefninn, án þess að hafa sljóvgandi áhrif.   

30 skammtar
5 skammtar
Nánari upplýsingar
Nánari upplýsingar


B vítamín:
1. The Effect of Methylated Vitamin B Complex on Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms and Quality of Life in Adults with Depression. J.Lewis, E.Tiozzo, A.Melillo, S.Leonard, L.Chen, A.Mendez, J.Woolger, J.Konefal, 2013.

2. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of B Vitamin Supplementation on Depressive Symptoms, Anxiety, and Stress: Effects on Healthy and ‘At-Risk’ Individuals. L.Young, A.Pipingas, D.White, S.Gauci, A.Scholey, 2019.

3. B Vitamins and the Brain: Mechanisms, Dose and Efficacy--A Review. D,Kennedy, 2016.

C vítamín:
1. Effects of Oral Vitamin C Supplementation on Anxiety in Students: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. de Oliveira IJ, de Souza VV, Motta V, Da-Silva SL, 2015.

2. The role of vitamin C in stress-related disorders. B.Moritz, A.Schmitz, A.Rodrigues, A.Dafre,M.Cunha, 2020.

D3 vítamín:
1. Vitamin D in anxiety and affective disorders. Bičíková M, Dušková M, Vítků J, Kalvachová B, Řípová D, Mohr P, Stárka L, 2015.

2. Vitamin D supplementation ameliorates severity of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Eid A, Khoja S, AlGhamdi S, Alsufiani H, Alzeben F, Alhejaili N, Tayeb HO, Tarazi FI,2019.

3. The Effect of Vitamin D Supplement Consumption on Premenstrual Syndrome in Vitamin D-Deficient Young Girls: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Abdollahi R, Abiri B, Sarbakhsh P, Kashanian M, Vafa M, 2019.

4. Vitamin D Supplementation for Premenstrual Syndrome-Related Mood Disorders in Adolescents with Severe Hypovitaminosis D. Tartagni M, Cicinelli MV, Tartagni MV, Alrasheed H, Matteo M, Baldini D, De Salvia M, Loverro G, Montagnani M, 2016.

1. Decreased Zinc and Increased Copper in Individuals with Anxiety.A,Russo,2011.

2. Role of zinc in the development and treatment of mood disorders. E.Cope, C.Levenson, 2010.

3. Effect of zinc supplementation on mood states in young women: a pilot study. T.Sawada, K.Yokoi, 2010.

4. Zinc monotherapy increases serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels and decreases depressive symptoms in overweight or obese subjects: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Solati Z, Jazayeri S, Tehrani-Doost M, Mahmoodianfard S, Gohari MR, 2015.

1. Psychiatric disorders risk in patients with iron deficiency anemia and association with iron supplementation medications: a nationwide database analysis. H.Lee, H.Chao, W.Huang,S.Chen, H.Yang,2020.

2. Iron supplementation for unexplained fatigue in non-anaemic women: double blind randomised placebo controlled trial.Verdon F, Burnand B, Stubi CL, Bonard C, Graff M, Michaud A, Bischoff T, de Vevey M, Studer JP, Herzig L, Chapuis C, Tissot J, Pécoud A, Favrat B, 2003.

3. Four weeks of IV iron supplementation reduces perceived fatigue and mood disturbance in distance runners. Woods A, Garvican-Lewis LA, Saunders PU, Lovell G, Hughes D, Fazakerley R, Anderson B, Gore CJ, Thompson KG,2014.

1. The Relationship between Iodine and Selenium Levels with Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Euthyroid Nodular Goite. E.Turan, O.Karaaslan, 2020.

1. The Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Subjective Anxiety and Stress-A Systematic Review. N.Boyle, C.Lawton, L.Dye, 2017.

2. The effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in elderly: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Abbasi B, Kimiagar M, Sadeghniiat K, Shirazi MM, Hedayati M, Rashidkhani B, 2012.

3. Biorhythms and possible central regulation of magnesium status, phototherapy, darkness therapy and chronopathological forms of magnesium depletion. Durlach J, Pagès N, Bac P, Bara M, Guiet-Bara A,2002

4. The magic of magnesium. D.Boomsma, 2008.

1. A prospective, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of safety and efficacy of a high-concentration full-spectrum extract of Ashwagandha root in reducing stress and anxiety in adults. Chandrasekhar K, Kapoor J, & Anishetty, S, Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2012.

2. An alternative treatment for anxiety: a systematic review of human trial results reported for the Ayurvedic herb ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Pratte M, Nanatavi K, Young V, Morley C, 2014.

3. Adaptogenic and Anxiolytic Effects of Ashwagandha Root Extract in Healthy Adults: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Clinical Study. Salve J, Pate S, Debnath K, Langade D, 2019.

4. Effect of standardized aqueous extract of Withania somnifera on tests of cognitive and psychomotor performance in healthy human participants. Pingali U, Pilli R, Fatima N, 2014.

5. Efficacy and Safety of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal) Root Extract in Improving Memory and Cognitive Functions Choudhary, D., Bhattacharyya, S., & Bose, S. (2017).

6. Adaptogenic and Anxiolytic Effects of Ashwagandha Root Extract in Healthy Adults: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Clinical Study. Salve J, Pate S, Debnath K, Langade D, 2019.

7. Efficacy and Safety of Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera) Root Extract in Insomnia and Anxiety: A Double – blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled study. Langade, D., Kanchi, S., Salve, J., Debnath, K., & Ambegaokar, D, 2019.

8. Clinical evaluation of the pharmacological impact of ashwagandha root extract on sleep in healthy volunteers and insomnia patients: A double-blind, randomized, parallel group, placebo-controlled study. Langade, D., Thakare, V., Kanchi, S., & Kelgane, S, 2020.

Rhodiola Rosea: burnirót:
1. The Effects of Rhodiola rosea L. Extract on Anxiety, Stress, Cognition and Other Mood Symptoms. M. Cropley, A. Banks and J.Boyle 2015

2. Therapeutic Effects and Safety of Rhodiola rosea Extract WS® 1375 in Subjects with Life‐stress Symptoms – Results of an Open‐label Study. D. Edwards, A. Heufelder, A. Zimmerman, 2012.

3. Multicenter, open-label, exploratory clinical trial with Rhodiola rosea extract in patients suffering from burnout symptoms S. Kasper, A. Dienel. 2017

4. A randomized trial of two different doses of a SHR-5 Rhodiola rosea extract versus placebo and control of capacity for mental work Shevtsov V, Zholus B, Shervarly V, Vol'skij V, Korovin Y, Khristich M, Roslyakova N, Wikman G, 2003.

5. A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of the stimulating and adaptogenic effect of Rhodiola rosea SHR-5 extract on the fatigue of students caused by stress during an examination period with a repeated low-dose regimen. Spasov A, Wikman G, Mandrikov V, Mironova I, Neumoin V, 2000.

6. Rhodiola rosea in stress induced fatigue--a double blind cross-over study of a standardized extract SHR-5 with a repeated low-dose regimen on the mental performance of healthy physicians during night duty. Darbinyan V, Kteyan A, Panossian A, Gabrielian E, Wikman G, Wagner H, 2000.

7. The effectiveness and efficacy of Rhodiola rosea L.: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Hung SK, Perry R, Ernst E, 2011.

8. Rhodiola rosea (SHR-5), Part I: a proprietary root extract of Rhodiola rosea is found to be effective in the treatment of stress-related fatigue. S, Perry, 2014.

Bacopa Monnieri:
1. Brahmi for the better? New findings challenging cognition and anti-anxiety effects of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) in healthy adults. V. Sathyanarayanan ,T. Thomas , S. Einöther,R. Dobriyal , M. Joshi,S. Krishnamachari. 2013

2. An acute, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over study of 320 mg and 640 mg doses of Bacopa monnieri (CDRI 08) on multitasking stress reactivity and mood. Benson S, Downey LA, Stough C, Wetherell M, Zangara A, Scholey A. 2014.

Lemon Balm:
1. Attenuation of laboratory-induced stress in humans after acute administration of Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm). D.Kennedy, W.Little, A.Scholey, 2004.

2. Pilot trial of Melissa officinalis L. leaf extract in the treatment of volunteers suffering from mild-to-moderate anxiety disorders and sleep disturbancesJ.Cases, A.Ibarra, N.Feuillère, M.Roller, S.Sukkar, 2011.

3. Modulation of mood and cognitive performance following acute administration of Melissa officinalis (lemon balm).D.Kennedy, A.Scholey. N.Tildesley, E.Perry, K.Wesnes, 2002.

4. Modulation of mood and cognitive performance following acute administration of single doses of Melissa officinalis (Lemon balm) with human CNS nicotinic and muscarinic receptor-binding properties.D.Kennedy, A.Scholey. N.Tildesley, E.Perry, K.Wesnes, G.Wake, S.Savelev, 2003.

5. Pilot trial of Melissa officinalis L. leaf extract in the treatment of volunteers suffering from mild-to-moderate anxiety disorders and sleep disturbances.J.Cases, A.Ibarra, N.Feuillère, M.Roller, S.Sukkar, 2011.

Black pepper:
1. Black pepper and its pungent principle-piperine: a review of diverse physiological effects. Srinivasan K,2007.

2. The effects of black pepper on the intestinal absorption and hepatic metabolism of drugs.H.Han,2011.

1. L-Theanine reduces psychological and physiological stress responses. Kimura K, Ozeki M, Juneja LR, Ohira H, 2009.

2. Effects of L-Theanine Administration on Stress-Related Symptoms and Cognitive Functions in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Hidese S, Ogawa S, Ota M, Ishida I, Yasukawa Z, Ozeki M, Kunugi H, 2019.

3. Effects of chronic l-theanine administration in patients with major depressive disorder: an open-label study. Hidese S, Ota M, Wakabayashi C, Noda T, Ozawa H, Okubo T, Kunugi H, 2017.

1. Efficacy of Silexan in subthreshold anxiety: meta-analysis of randomised, placebo-controlled trials. Möller, HJ., Volz, HP., Dienel, A,2019.

Passion Flower:
1. Passiflora incarnata Linneaus as an anxiolytic before spinal anesthesia. Aslanargun P, Cuvas O, Dikmen B, Aslan E, Yuksel MU, 2012.

2. Effects of passiflora incarnata and midazolam for control of anxiety in patients undergoing dental extraction. L.Dantas ,A. de Oliveira-Ribeiro ,L. de Almeida-Souza,F. Groppo, 2017.

3. Passionflower in the treatment of generalized anxiety: a pilot double‐blind randomized controlled trial with oxazepam.S.Akhondzadeh,H. Naghavi,,M. Vazirian,A. Shayeganpour,H. Rashidi,M.Khani, 2001.

1. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of oral Matricaria recutita (chamomile) extract therapy for generalized anxiety disorder. Amsterdam JD, Li Y, Soeller I, Rockwell K, Mao JJ, Shults J, 2009.

2. Short-term open-label chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) therapy of moderate to severe generalized anxiety disorder. Keefe JR, Mao JJ, Soeller I, Li QS, Amsterdam JD, 2016.

1. Probiotic supplementation can positively affect anxiety and depressive symptoms: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. M. Pirbaglou, J. Katz, R. de Souza, J. Stearns, M. Motamed, P Ritvo, 2016.

2. Food & mood: a review of supplementary prebiotic and probiotic interventions in the treatment of anxiety and depression in adults. S. Noonan, M. Zaveri, E. Macaninch, 2020.

3. Effects of Microbiota Imbalance in Anxiety and Eating Disorders: Probiotics as Novel Therapeutic Approaches. E. Navarro-Tapia ,L. Almeida-Toledano, G. Sebastiani , M. Serra-Delgado, Ó. García-Algar , V. Andreu-Fernández V, 2021.

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Þetta hylki byggir á blómum sem bjóða uppá náttúruleg, róandi áhrif sem hjálpa til við svefn.


Þetta nauðsynlega vítamín- og steinefnahylki veitir líkamanum lífsnauðsynleg næringarefni sem byggja upp sterkan grunn til að takast á við streituvalda daglegs lífs.

Heildræna hetjan

Tvö hylki af magnesíum (glycinate) sem er oft kallað streitusteinefnið.

Forni læknarinn

Þessi forna jurtablanda hefur verið notuð í lækningarskyni í þúsundir ára. Aðlögunarefnin vinna gegn neikvæðum áhrifum streitu á líkamann.

NuMind|Öflug streitu blanda og fyrir mildan kvíða

NuMind|Öflug streitu blanda og fyrir mildan kvíða

8.990 kr
30 skammtar
5 skammtar